Every King's Deer property owner is a member of the King's Deer Homeowners Association. The Board of Directors oversees the management and operation of the Association. Board members, who are members of the Association, serve two-year terms, and are elected by the general membership. Four directors are elected in even years, three are elected in odd years. If a vacancy occurs before a term of office expires, it is filled by appointment to serve the remainder of the term of that position. Elections are conducted during the Annual General Membership meeting which is usually held in November. Members interested in serving on the Board are encouraged to contact the HOA exective director about becoming a candidate for the Board. Daily business of the Association is handled by the King's Deer Executive Director, Mr. John Highhouse. Normal business hours are Monday through Friday, 10 AM to 5 PM. Appointments are recommended, however you may stop by the HOA office (address listed below) at any time during the business day. Before making a trip to the office, please call the office (number given below) to ensure someone will be present when you arrive. For your convenience, there is a secure drop box located outside the office door. You can best contact Mr. Highhouse by email at admin@kingsdeer.org Want to know more about your Community Manager? Follow this link Executive Director's Bio to learn more about your community manager. King's Deer Office Closure The King's Deer office is closed weekends and holidays. Before visiting the office, please call the office (number given below) to ensure someone will be there when you arrive because the office must be locked when duties are performed away from the office. Please refer to Calendar (link in left margin) and messages on the Home Page to view dates the office is scheduled to be closed. The office will also be closed on weather-closure days designated by Lewis-Palmer School District 38.
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