King's Deer Homeowners Association  

Board of
Committees Volunteer


Many opportunities exist for the interested owner to help the association through participation in committees. Committees advise and assist the board in conducting the business of the association. Below is a list of committees that either exist or are in the formulative stage. If you are interested in participating on a committee, please contact the King's Deer office by phone (719-488-2840) or email ( to sign up for the committee of your choice. But please limit your participation to no more than two committees at a time.

As committees are formed the first order of business will be to review the committee charter and to recommend revisions to the Board. The committee charter defines the purpose and objectives of the committee, its responsibilities, the duration of the committee, its members, the committee organization and chairperson, and its relationship to the Board of Directors. Charters will be available for review below adjacent to each committee description.

Committees are expected to provide to the Board of Directors periodic reports of their activities and progress toward meeting their objectives. The period of the reports will be dependent upon the nature and activity of the committee and will be defined in the charter.

All committee members are obligated to sign and comply with the committee member Conflict of Interest statement.

Committee Listing

Architectural Control Commitee (ACC) reviews new construction plans, landscape plans, and proposals for modifying the exterior of existing homes and existing landscaping to ensure the standards set forth in the Covenants are maintained. Charter defined by the covenants. (Standing) Download ACC Conflict of Interest Statement as pdf.

Beautification Committee Pursue improving the overall appearance of King's Deer and enhance quality of life of Association members. (Ad Hoc)

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