King's Deer Homeowners Association  

Summary  Project Guidelines

Project Procedures

Overview: In this page you will find information on the following topics:

What kind of work requires ACC approval? Back to top

The covenants require that anything that alters the appearance of a property must be approved in advance by the ACC. This would include the obvious alterations such as constructing a house or detached garage, to adding a fence. The covenants are also explicit in requiring ACC approval of yard ornamentation.

An often overlooked situation by homeowners is the requirement to get ACC approval before changing the color or exterior siding material of an existing house. Although this seldom creates a problem, the homeowner that changes a beige house to bright yellow is likely to face complaints by neighbors and thus covenant enforcement activity.

Mailbox monuments at driveways are another area where homeowners sometimes find themselves confronted with a covenant violation. This is because certain areas of King's Deer are required to have one style of mailbox whereas other areas must have a different style. A new homeowner may not know the specific requirements that apply to his property and therefore might install what he prefers, only to find a covenant violation notice delivered in the new, unauthorized mailbox.

The above example underscores the following fundamental point: Don't assume that what you see on another property in the area is permitted on your property. In some cases the covenants are different for different properties. In other cases the homeowner may have received a waiver for some unique circumstance. It would be a serious error to conclude that you may copy what you see on other properties without being at risk of violating the covenants and Rules of the Association. This is why we emphasize homeowners to first coordinate their plans with the ACC to avoid doing something that will might be a violation of the Association Rules. (See next topic for a definition of "Rules.")

Where are the Rules that govern what I want to accomplish? Back to top

Those various documents that govern activities within the Association are posted in this web site under Library > Governance Documents. There you'll find (scroll down the page) several documents in Adobe Reader (pdf) format available for download that provide the covenants, standards and policies of this Association. The text on this page collectively refers to the combination of covenants, Design Standards, and policies adopted by the Board of Directors, as "Rules". Most of the Rules that govern ACC business are consolidated into the Design Standards.

Creating A Project Application Back to top

Projects fall into one of four categories:

  1. Construction projects
  2. Ancillary Building projects
  3. Landscape and Fence projects
  4. Miscellaneous (all other) projects
These categories are defined and described in Part 1 of the Design Standards which are available for download from the website in the Library > Governance Documents section of this web site. Each of these project categories has a specific project application form, and each form is availabe on this web site under Library > Forms & Applications.

Submitting A Project Back to top

Project Submittal Deadline: Project applications, whether for new construction or another type of project, must be received the King's Deer Executive Director not later than close of business two days prior to the ACC meeting. Do not expect the ACC to waive this deadline; please plan ahead.

Submit the application to:
King's Deer HOA (Attn: ACC)
PO Box 3143
Monument, CO 80132
HOA office in the King's Deer Golf Course Club House
19255 Royal Troon Dr.

Email applications to:
King's Deer Executive Director (
(All application documents must be in pdf file format if sent by email.)

A refundable compliance fee and a non-refundable filing fee must accompany every new house construction project application submitted for ACC review. Applications received without the required fees will be immediately rejected and returned.

Compliance Fee Procedure During the course of construction, if any variations of the project occur from the ACC approved plans without prior ACC approval the ACC will evaluate the variations and possibly deduct some of the compliance fee from the future refund. When the construction project is completed, including the minimum landscape requirements, the refundable compliance fee will be refunded, minus any deductions for non-compliance with HOA standards, to the person(s) who are the owner of the property at the time the ACC authorizes the compliance fee refund.

Visit the Library section of this web site for the current version of the Design Standards. Be sure you have the most current version.

New Construction Project Definition and Submission Back to top

New Construction projects are for the construction of a house on a currently vacant lot.

A filing fee must be included with the new construction project application or the application will be immediately be returned. The filing fee should be submitted as a check payable to "King's Deer HOA." The filing fee covers the expense to review these projects, and to monitor them from start to completion. Also, a refundable Compliance Fee must be submitted to the HOA before the project will be approved. Please contact the HOA office for the amount of these fees.

Construction Project Review by Neighbors Back to top

By its very nature, a construction project creates a major change on a property, and therefore can affect surrounding properties. For this reason, neighboring property owners are provided an opportunity to review and submit written comments to the ACC about a construction project application that awaits ACC review.

When a construction project application is submitted for consideration, the property owner must post on the property a sign that discloses a construction project is proposed for the property. The sign must be posted for ten days before the ACC will approve the application. The purpose of this sign is to alert neighbors to the fact that an application has been submitted so they may review and comment on the project application. (See the sign)

To review a project application before the ACC makes a decision on the project, contact the King's Deer Executive Director at the King's Deer Office and set up an appointment to look over the project application and supporting documents. (The King's Deer Office contact information is available under "Administration" in the left margin menu of this page.) While reviewing the plans, write down your concerns and give them to our Executive Director who will then include them with the application when the project is reviewed by the ACC. You may also attend the ACC meeting to personally present your concerns to the Committee. Keep in mind that the ACC is limited to enforcing the Rules of the Association and therefore comments should be limited to that context. For example, a request to prevent a vacant residential property from being developed to preserve open space will be respectfully reviewed, but probably not supported by the ACC in favor of the owner's right to develop their property within the constraints of the Association's Rules. Please be sure to include your name and phone number with your comments in the event the ACC needs more information from you.

Attending ACC Meetings Back to top

ACC meetings are open to King's Deer members to attend, particularly if they have an application that is being considered for approval by the ACC. Often the applicant's presence allows questions by ACC members to be quickly resolved and thus enhance the opportunity for project approval during the first review by the ACC. Also, the results of the ACC decision are immediately known by the applicant who attends the ACC meeting. The dates, times, and location of ACC meetings are posted on the Calendar page of this web site.

How long will it take the ACC to approve my application? Back to top

Unfortunately there's no short answer. It depends upon the kind of work you are requesting. For the sake of giving a direct answer, we must assume that your application has been properly completed and provides all the information needed for the ACC to make an informed decision on the application--a situation not often encountered during the first review.

Given the preceding assumption, if you are submitting a Miscellaneous Project the ACC can, and usually does, approve the application the first time it is reviewed.

If you are submitting a New Construction Project or Ancillary Construction Project, considerably more evaluation is required by the ACC, including a comprehensive desk-top review and at least one site visit. The project will be reviewed at no less than two ACC meetings. Considering that the meetings are usually two weeks apart, and sometimes three, you should allow at least three weeks between the date of submission until the date you receive notice of approval. The ACC also requires that a sign be posted at the site at least ten consecutive days prior to the ACC approving these project (the sign is included in the project application package). Failure to comply will ensure a delay and possible disapproval.

You can greatly improve the chance of obtaining a project approval by being present at the ACC meeting that will review your application. (See Attending ACC Meetings, above).

Notification of ACC Decision Back to top

Notice of ACC decisions are sent to applicants by first class mail. Generally these notifications will be received by applicants approximately a week to ten days after the ACC meeting. Applicants may also obtain the results of ACC decisions by reviewing the published minutes of the ACC meeting which are typically available about seven business days after the ACC meeting, and can be seen on this web site under Library > Meeting Minutes. Association policy prohibits releasing ACC decisions before the ACC minutes are approved. Therefore, if you want fast feedback about the ACC decision, you or your representative should attend the ACC meeting.

Copyright © 2025 King's Deer Homeowners Association. All rights reserved.